Pi-tree™ metrics make investment choices and tradeoffs easy to understand*
*See Pi Portfolio Management: Reaching Goals while Avoiding Losses” J. Cvitanic, S. Kou, X. Wan, and K. Williams, April 2023. http://ssrn.com/abstract=3444836
We measure average probability of success with complete information

Graph and content are for illustration only.
Pi-tree™ metrics empower communication and understanding
Will I achieve my desired investment outcomes?
Portfolio Pi is a comprehensive measure of potential success
Pi is the average of the probabilities that an investor will achieve desired outcomes, taking into consideration comprehensive program choices
What are those program changes worth?
Eta measures impact of investment program changes in dollar terms
Portfolio Pi and Eta are intuitive and give investors a means to communicate simply and with confidence
Pi and Eta help to make informed trade-offs under realistic conditions
Measure success and compare the potential for improvement with changes to any of the following
Cash in and out-flows over time or at a point in time
Asset class weights
Traditional investment products
Dynamic investment products
Hedging solutions
Customized portfolio exposures
Rebalancing strategies
Investment fees and expenses
Market regimes
Distributional assumptions
And more...
The information contained in this communication is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Nothing in this communication should be construed as an offer, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Past performance is no guarantee of futures results. Any expected returns or hypothetical projections may not reflect actual future performance. Portfolio performance is dependent on numerous factors, including personal and market conditions. There can be no assurance that an investment or investment mix will perform in any predictable manner.